Logo Design

Avina Women's Care Brand

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In 2018, following the initial stages of their new website, MaternOhio Clinical Associates decided to become a unified company and brand, now known as Avina Women’s Care. They were Ohio’s largest private women’s healthcare provider but functioned as seven separate divisions. We worked with them to cultivate a clear communication strategy and brand, while making sure all divisions and stakeholders felt represented, combating internal competition. We partnered with Storyforge to develop their brand story, while our team created their visual identity, which included a new name, tagline, logo, colors, typography, and photography. Their brand is a representation of a woman’s lifelong journey, strength, relationships, and support. Finally, we developed a strategy and plan to launch the new brand to the public in September 2019.

JBAD Brand

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In conjunction with the launch of their new website, JBAD came to Ibel in 2017 to create a refreshed look for their brand. We kept the basic structure of the square logo while updating the type to a more modern, architectural font. A new color palette, made up of mostly grays, creates a neutral backdrop that emphasizes JBAD’s vibrant building imagery. The orange that was previously incorporated in the brand continues to provide a pop of color to highlight specific information.

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission sustainable2050 Brand

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Sustainable2050 is a program that supports the sustainability efforts of MORPC’s member communities through direct technical assistance, collaboration and recognition.

This work provides an understanding of how all efforts make a collective impact on the quality of life in Central Ohio. With a layout that references insight2050, the logo uses bright greens from MORPC’s brand for a fresh, environmental look. The brand guidelines for sustainable2050 also include color variations for different community sustainability rankings including Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Delaware and Franklin Counties Coordinated Plan Brand

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Delaware and Franklin Counties Coordinated Plan is a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan that identifies and addresses the transportation needs and accessibility of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people with low incomes. Ibel Agency developed their brand that included a logo and report template. The logo illustrates the plan’s goals—increase service efficiency, and travel options for all. The two blue arches represent the counties in this plan, while the purple arch symbolizes breaking barriers, filling transportation gaps and simplify travel.

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Rickenbacker Area Study Brand

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Rickenbacker Area Study is a community-driven study to provide an information-based strategy to help Central Ohio position the area as a successful international logistics hub, which includes cargo, plane, and train. It looks into the area’s multifaceted existing factors and their growth potential over the next 10 to 20 years. Ibel Agency created their brand which included a logo and newsletter. The newsletter’s composition allows for easy updates especially for information that may vary from time to time. In the logo, three-colored wing-like blocks correspond to the three modes. This expresses movement towards the future, while the boldness shows the stability and longevity of the logistics hub itself.

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission CORPO Brand

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Central Ohio Rural Planning Organization involves several Central Ohio counties to engage as an RPO in preparation to become a state-designated RTPO (Rural Transportation Planning Organization). The plan is meant to bring the counties together and work as a whole. Ibel Agency created a brand that included a logo and report template. The logo embraces stability and movement towards one single goal. The shades of blue represent the counties’ unity and importance of their ideas and needs.

Columbus Council on World Affairs Sub-Brands

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Global Fluency Training and the Global Scholars Diploma are programs developed by the Columbus Council on World Affairs to educate professionals and high school students, respectively, on global fluency. The Global Fluency Institute was established by the Council to take these programs national. Ibel Agency developed sub-brands for each to help distinguish these programs and make them easily recognizable. The angular shapes making up an open circle link back to the Council’s brand while limited color palettes help to differentiate each sub-brand. These logos are used on their own and in conjunction with the logos of the local councils that sponsor these educational sessions across the U.S.

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